aluminum 3d printing quote from anywhere in the US, Canada, or Europe.

Aluminum 3D printing

Aluminum is a lightweight, strong and corrosion-resistant metal.

These characteristics make it widely used in the aerospace and automotive industries.

Aluminum 3D printing has many advantages compared to traditional production methods. For aluminum, fabrication speed and cost are relatively high when fabricated by traditional production methods such as casting or CNC machining.

On the other hand, 3D printing technology allows for more efficient production.

slm 3d printing service

DMLS (Direct Metal Laser Sintering)

DMLS is a direct metal laser sintering technology, in which metal powder is heated and sintered with a laser.

This technology provides high precision and high production speed. In addition, complex structures that are difficult to fabricate using conventional casting methods can be fabricated.

However, the downside is the high initial cost of the technology and the relatively low density of the sintered parts.

SLM (Selective Laser Melting)

SLM is a selective metal melting technology, in which metal powder is melted with a laser and layer by layer to build parts. This technology provides high precision and density.

In addition, various metal materials can be used, so it is used in various industries.

However, compared to DMLS, the initial cost and heat treatment after sintering are required.

al 3d printing

Advantages and disadvantages of aluminum 3D printing

High design freedom

3D printing is created using design software. These design software allow you to create more complex and precise parts. In addition, 3D printing has a high degree of design freedom because it can create parts of various shapes.

Production speed and cost are reduced

Aluminum 3D printing is faster and cheaper than traditional production methods.

When fabricated by traditional production methods such as casting or CNC machining, the production speed and cost are relatively high. On the other hand, 3D printing technology allows for more efficient production.


fdm 3d printing

High adaptability

Aluminum 3D printing is used in a variety of industries. Aluminum is widely used in the aerospace and automotive industries because it is lightweight, strong and corrosion resistant. 

3D printing technology makes the production of metal parts more efficient in these industries.

However, there are downsides to aluminum 3D printing.

High initial cost

3D printing has the disadvantage of high initial cost. It requires a higher initial cost than traditional production methods, as it requires the purchase of a 3D printer and materials and software.

Parts may have low density

Parts made by 3D printing can have a lower density than parts made by conventional production methods. This can affect the strength and durability of parts. Therefore, these parts must undergo rigorous inspection before being used.

metal 3d printer prototype 

is a service that provides quotes for 3D printing of aluminum and other metal parts worldwide. 

You can request a quote from anywhere in the US, Canada, or Europe.

This service calculates and provides a quote when the user sends the 3D design file of the required part by e-mail. 

At this time, there are various materials such as aluminum and various 3D printing technologies to choose from.

In addition, consulting services are provided for modeling and design of parts prior to receiving a quotation.

This makes an efficient solution for any industry that wants to create 3D printed parts in lightweight metals such as aluminum.

Request a quote and use our consulting services to quickly and easily start building parts.


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